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Hiram Ansley Obituary
Hudston Star & Times, Jan. 8, 1886
ANSLEY -- At his late residence on Ninth street, of stomach difficulty, Saturday afternoon, Jan. 2, 1886, Hiram Ansley, aged nearly 74 years.
Deacon Ansley, as he was well and favorably known, was born at Seneca, in Ontario County, N.Y., where his youth an dearly manhood were spent. Here he was maried some 52 years ago to Miss Mercy Page, who still survives him. Eight children blessed the home of this worthy couple, five of whom survive the beloved father. These are Mrs. L.J. Hitz of Chigago, Mrs. George W. Martin, Mrs. M.A. Fulton, Clinton and Langdon Ansley.
In 1857, Mr. Ansley and his family took up their abode in Hudson where they have since been identified with much that is valued and worthy in the progress of our city. Mr. Ansley's entire life had been spent in agricultural pursuits, and through this chosen calling and an amiable christian life he had been enabled to work an impress for good upon all with whom he came in contact. He was for many years a deacon in the Congregational church and at the time of his death an elder in the Presbyterian church.
As a citizen and neighbor he was highly regarded, as a husband and parent the tenderest and most devoted. A large circle of genuine sympathizers unite in their condolences for the bereaved widow and family in the death of this exemplary husband, father, and friend.
The funeral rites were conducted from the residence, at 10:30 Monday, Rev. W. R. Reynolds officiating.
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